Saturday, July 04, 2009

Meaning of some router IOS command

User EXEC Mode
enable - Enter Privileged EXEC mode

Privileged EXEC Mode
copy running-config startup-config - Copy the active configuration to NVRAM.
copy startup-config running-config - Copy the configuration in NVRAM to RAM.
erase startup-configuration - Erase the configuration located in NVRAM.
ping ip_address - Ping to that address.
tracerouteip_address - Trace each hop to that address.
show interfaces - Display statistics for all interfaces on a device.
show clock - Show the time set in the router.
show version - Display currently loaded IOS version, hardware, and device information.
show arp - Display the ARP table of the device.
show startup-config - Display the saved configuration located in NVRAM.
show running-config - Display the contents of the currently running configuration file.
show ip interface - Display IP statistics for interface(s) on a router.
configure terminal - Enter terminal configuration mode.

Terminal Configuration Mode
hostname hostname - Assign a host name to device.
enable passwordpassword - Set an unencrypted enable password.
enable secret password - Set a strongly encrypted enable password.
service password-encryption - Encrypt display of all passwords except secret.
banner motd# message # - Sets a message-of-the-day banner.
line console 0 - Enter console line configuration mode.
line vty 0 4 - Enter virtual terminal (Telnet) line configuration mode.
interface Interface_name - Enter interface configuration mode.

Line Configuration Mode
login - Enable password checking at login.
password password - Set line password.

Interface Configuration Mode
ip addressip_address netmask - Set interface IP address and subnet mask.
description description - Set interface description.
clock rate value - Set clock rate for DCE device.
no shutdown - Set interface to up.
shutdown - Administratively set interface to down.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Basic router configuration


Configuring the Router’s Name
ROUTER# config t
ROUTER(config)# hostname NAME

Configuring the Interfaces, Ethernet and Serial
NAME# config t
NAME(config)# int interface type & number (fa0/0, fa0/1, s0/0 or s0/1)
NAME(config-if)# description your description of the interface
NAME(config-if)# ip address ip address subnet mask
NAME(config-if)# clock rate 56000 (when configuring a DCE serial interface only)
NAME(config-if)# no shutdown
NAME(config-if)# exit

Configuring Routing
NAME# config t
NAME(config)# router rip OR NAME(config)# router IGRP AS #
NAME(config-router)# network network number
NAME(config-router)# network network number

Name(config)# ip route destination network Subnet Mask next hop IP address

Configuring Passwords
Encrypted: Plain text:
NAME# config t NAME# config t
NAME(config)# enable secret class NAME(config)# enable secret class

NAME# config t
NAME(config)# line con 0
NAME(config-line)# password cisco
NAME(config-line)# login

Virtual Terminal (Telnet):
NAME# config t
NAME(config)# line vty 0 4
NAME(config-line)# password cisco
NAME(config-line)# login
NAME# Config t
NAME(config)# banner motd # your message #

IP Host:
NAME(config)# ip host NAME and the ip address of the router

Show run, show start, show interface, show ip route, tracert, ping, telnet

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to configure internet connection in Fedora ( Linux ) operating sytem


1. For fedora please use the file wvdial.conf.
2. First logon as root user.Then replace wvdial.conf at /etc/wvdial.conf.
3. The given file has been edited for GrameePhone.
4. Now open the konsole and type wvdialconf.
5. Now system will detect the modem.Then type just wvdial at konsole.
6. Open the browser and you enjoy your internet service.


For ubuntu the given wvdial.conf is not so important.
1.Open the konsole.
2.Enter at etc.
3.Type sudo gedit wvdial.conf.
4.Edit the file using
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","gpinternet"
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Phone = *99***1#
Password = [password]
Username = [username]
5.Now type :

**Now the configuration has been done.For further use please type

Thank you

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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Networking & Telecommunication

If you are interest with networking and telecommunication then go to the following link

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